We work in the monster’s belly
and no cub reporter or even
seasoned vet can verify
the beast’s weaponry, and
if we sniff an angle that could
embarrass some big wig
the fellow strong-arms
the publisher threatening
law suits or removal
of ads. But we live here,
compromised, afraid,
while these other guys
who took money, who fled
and live now eating well
in the West, how dare
they train their pens
on us, the embattled,
still valiant local press.
Who indeed is free
in this world? Journalism
beholden to corporate
giants is such old hat
but still true like
the importance of ratings
to contracts and protecting
the president/king
in times of perpetual conflict.
I tuned into Sri Lankan radio
this morning, its English Service,
to hear the BBC from Davos
broadcast live a panel
discussion on China
or America, on the train
which has left the station,
generating a riff
of questions, who
is its driver, or does
it run on computer,
are the people
on board, or only
officials, does it use
renewable fuel or are
we returning to coal,
clean, of course,
thanks to damned
climate barkers–
hearing the program
via the internet
of the former
Radio Ceylon
comforted me
that even
in my lifetime
some practices
survive famines,
floods and civil wars,
the, at times, grudging
but still strong island
respect for the Beeb.
Indran Amirthanayagam, January 30, 2011
(Imagen tomada de Internet / Derechos reservados por el autor)