Neo-feudalism and Migration to Europe


The current migration facing scenario Europe has been described as the largest refugee crisis since Second World War. According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCER), in 2015 more than 30,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to flee conflicts from their countries. At this moment, most migrants come from Syrian civil war and Afghans, Eritreans and from other African nations have been exceeded.

According to UNHCER, refugee camps from neighboring countries are no longer seen as life option by vast majority of refugees who choose to migrate to Europe, now that Germany has decided not to stop them. On the other hand, trafficking in persons by the Mediterranean constitutes a huge business for organized crime networks and generates about $650 billion dollars per year. German is the main destination for migrants, since along France will present on September 14 a proposal to redistribute 40,000 refugees among 28 member states of European Union in proportion to their GDP’s and unemployment rates. So Germany would receive 21.9%, France 16.88%, and Spain 10.72%.

Regardless this documented information of UNHCR, most of Western agencies expert on exploited agricultural lands around the world estimate that there are about 1.4 billion hectares suitable for agricultural production. And in they consider that such lands represent a possibility of high profitable for developed countries in the next years, so they will invest about 150 billion dollars in the purchase of agricultural land. This is because there is a prediction –very logical- a steady increase in the prices of the food. By 2017 is expected the price of wheat and barley will increase by 50% and sunflower seed will be doubled.

In several countries all over the world the purchasing of agricultural lands outside the national territory has become state policy. The most known cases are those of the States of Gulf Persian, China, South Korea, India, Japan, and the United States. Even Arab sheiks know that oil will run out in a couple of decades and they are already buying farmlands outside their borders. For now, Africa is the most attractive territory –in terms of proximity and low costs- additionally having a very cheap labor without labor, social services and tax problems.

Also is generating a purchase of agricultural lands boom in Ukraine where now, a deep economic and financial crisis exists. According to estimates by agricultural lands experts, in Africa, foreigners rent more than 60 million hectares and their cost of lease is virtually symbolic. In Ethiopia it is 1.2 dollar per hectare per year, while the purchase of land is 20 to 30 dollars per hectare and it has begun to be acquired by developed Western countries, led by German and the United States.

In general, agricultural enterprises in these countries, grow “genetically modified” seeds and palm oil to produce biodiesel. Nowadays, American company Monsanto is the leader in the distribution of genetically modified products. Moreover, there are some U.S. famous universities as Harvard and Vanderbilt are buying farmlands in Africa through the English company Emergent Asset Management and Iowa University associated with Agrisol have started a 700 million dollars project in Tanzania  over 162,000 Africans are moving from their original homes in Katoomba and Misom. But, most of these new owner are politicians who have used their positions to achieve those personal purposes.

A very clear example of this business is the Ambassador of the United States to Sudan, Howard Eugene Douglas, who founded Kineyeti Development Co., a Texas company bought 600,000 hectares in African Sudan and expelling original settlers as it was acquiring them. Although the land purchases process in general was hid and is hidden now by “joint ventures” formed by local front men and foreigners who can avoid laws of any country of the world.

In the past, the colonies were created through warlike force, but today it is only need to buy the land at low prices and to the original owners is taken the control of their lands. In the case of Ukraine 75% of 33 million hectares of arable land is private property, much of the agricultural land is held on the hands of oligarchs with links to the national and Western authorities.

These American farms have firstly Monsanto, one of the world’s largest genetically modified seed producers and has already announced an investment of several billions dollars in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Cargill Agrarian Holding will do the same according to the Oakland California Institute which studies issues of food security and climate change, as well as the huge growth of Western investment in the agricultural sector of Ukraine in accordance with purchases in the last months of 2015 can be considered as total purchase of Ukraine’s agricultural potential.

On the other hand, major Western financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF have connected the business interests to the provision of new loans to the Ukraine authorities in exchange for reduce the state control in agricultural sector, including the huge business of transgenic. That is why some foreign investors will become in short term in owner of agricultural companies of Ukraine.

In addition to the U.S. companies there are about 40 German agricultural businesses working in territories of 2000 and 3000 hectares. According to the Land Matrix of German Institute of Global and Areas Studies in Hamburg, around 1.7 million hectares of Ukraine are foreign properties today. These Ukrainian arable lands are also interesting to the Pension Fund of the American firm NCH Capital which leases 450,000 hectares to transgenic crops. Although the German legislature has protested the use of agricultural land for Ukraine’s transgenic production, Kiev authorities have not intervened.

Right now the big global financial powers are taking over of basic resources from all over the world and it is creating Neo-feudalism which already controls the world of the near future.