Letter To Enrique Peña Nieto

Contestación a la carta enviada el martes 3 de julio al New York times.

I am one of the 62 % of Mexicans, that didn’t cast my vote for you. I’m also one whom harbor serious doubt that you represented something different of the old authoritarian PRI. I’m cognoscenti of Mexican history since the sixties, not only by history books, but also by the sheer force of my longevity. I have witnessed the political events of my country during the last fifty years, and I had seen many candidates, presidents elects and presidents in office, embrace many slogans that were at the end of the day empty phrases or substanceless rhetoric. Like Ruiz Cortínez ” Honradez y trabajo”; López Mateos “La izquierda atinada”; Díaz Ordaz “Orden y Estado de derecho dentro de la constitucion”; Luis Echeverría ” Arriba y adelante”; López Portillo “No nos volveran a saquear”; Miguel de la Madrid “Por una renovación moral”; Salinas de Gortari “Estamos en el umbral del primer mundo”; Ernesto Zedillo “Oportunidades para todos los mexicanos sin exepción”; Vicente Fox “Sacaré de los pinos a todas las víboras y tepocatas para que no nos vuelvan a dañar ni robar; ” Felipe Calderón “El Presidente del empleo”. A total of ten Presidents, eight postulated by the PRI and two by PAN, none of which has had fully honor their promises during their mandates.

For the above, I want to address six issues that linger in my mind, and make me skeptical that will be honored by you, particularly since you have used as your campaign’s slogan “yo si cumplo”. and repetadly said that you did fulfill the six hundread campaigned promises when in fact closed to one hundred were only partially fulfill or not at all. Could you please clarify this in a clear and direct way.

On the other hand three biggest doubts are hanging in the brain of millions of Mexicans that should be address. The first is your own financial status, since you have always worked as government official (I like better the European concept of civil servant), you should give transparency to your own net worth making them public, particularly the last one as a governor of the state of México. Second, is important to know, that you have no participation in the events that derived in your wife death. As I have been during 44 years working at the trench of medicine as a physician and attended many symposiums on Epilepsy and treated many epileptic patients; I must confessed, that the death certificate of your wife, that you barely and passing by, showed in one of your televised interviews, was totally at fault, to say the list, both in form and content, and I believed, since I could not be certain because I was unable to read the doctor signature, that was not signed by a qualify Neurologist.

Finally since you were born in the city of Atlacomulco the cradle of the sadly famous school teacher Hank Gonzáles, whom has pass to the annals of history as the epitome of corruption for his phrase “Un político pobre es un pobre político” and was the founder of the Atlacomulco Group. Moreover since you were politically spoon feed by three known highly corrupt governors of the state of México, two of whom are also your relatives, I would like, as many Mexicans wont, no to be disturbed by this political pedigree. Therefore it seems to me that is imperative for Mexican people to know what is your position about incorporating to your government, these people of the “Atlacomulco Group”; as well as you liaisons with Televisa to whom you paid when you were governor of the state of México, in spots and infocomercials close to 100 million dollars to support your campaign.

The six issues are: First What are you going to do with “maestra” Gordillo that has abducted the education in México with his mighty syndicate, to the detriment of 28 million of Mexican students, and specifically how are you going to duely propel México from his 31th place in the OCDE as the worse country in terms of reading science and mathematics of our young school boys. Second what are you going to do with Pemex and Mr. Romero Dechamps and his syndicate, whom has concession of México’s must important wealth, in the manner of crony capitalism. Third what are you going to do with the “Seguro Popular” (Popular Government insurance), that is not Seguro and is so inefficient as being all but Popular. Fourth what are you going to do with the Pidiregas which was designed by president Zedillo to cover deals with the great banks of the world, and are bleeding the nation, with onerous payment of interest (10% per year), and had been the short cut for the executive, to mortgage the country’s future, bypassing congress approval. Five could you be more specific about the way you are going to deal with drug cartels, and not only to answer as you repeatedly have done, with the ritornello “the fight against crime will continue”. Don’t you think that bringing, General Oscar Naranjo from Colombia as your security advisor, in a way you rebuff Both the Marine and the Army, the only strong holds that the state have to fight the violence produced by the cartels. How can we be sure that you will not negotiate and turned a blind eye to drug gangs as the PRI has done in the past, as Governor of Nuevo León Sócrates Rizzo (México third most important state) has stated recently, that happened during Salinas de Gortari presidential tenure. Finally last but not lest how are you going to fight the entrenchment and pervasive corruption that is present in the three levels of government (I would, if you could provide me an address, send to you my book about Corruption “Cuadrivio” subtitled “Corruptofilia un Gen Cultural de Nuestra Sociedad, ETM 2009).

These Mr. President elect, are some of the pressing doubts that linger in the minds of many Mexicans and, we would like them to be answer by the man who will be at the helm of the nation during the next six years.

(Imagen tomada de Internet / Derechos reservados por el autor)