While science has always been devoted to find the truth, politics have always been devoted to deceiving, and covering the truth. The two pillars of science are innovation and checking out facts. The two Pillars of politics are empowerment of an individual or a group and occultation of the truth to promote selfish or group interest.
To create a climate of prosperity and abundance for most people, Democracy generally speaking uses science. Therefore, the democratic countries invest more in science, of course there are exceptions like China and Russia, but generally speaking the more democratic countries are the more equalitarian, the healthier and the one that provide better education for their citizen. They also are the ones where the Rule of Law is more widespread and effective, with lower crime rates both in property and homicides by 100,000 people. The more democratic nations are among the less corrupt and have the better grades in the perception index of corruption in TI (Transparency International). They demand more accountability in their government officers and have better protection nets for those who are less privilege. They have the lower index of illiteracy and both mother and infant mortality are also among the lowers. Their civil societies are open and more tolerant and therefore, moral nonjudgmentalism and less prejudice’s, facilitates cultural pluralism in gender ethnicity and religion.
The overall situation produces spontaneous order for respecting rules and more fluid social mobility. These latter issues promote equal opportunities and create a stronger moral code along the lines of national identities, but above all democratic societies generate stronger Institution based on a set of higher cultural values.
The short span of man’s life do not properly allowed a single individual for providing well been to future generations, that is why outside the family the Institutions were created, particularly those associated with modernity: The Civil Society and the State (Hegel).
Politicians all over, but particularly in Mexico are notorious for their lack of sincerity; they adhere to the dictum of the great English literate W. Somerset Maugham “I don’t think you want too much sincerity in society… It would be like and iron girder in a house of cards”. Cynicism, an attitude of scornfully or jadedly negative comment or act is a common disposition of politicians when their lack of authenticity or sincerity is exposed.
When a critical mass of individuals in a country is cynical, like occurs in Russia and in Mexico in their political parties, its civil society revolts, this is what is happening in Mexico with the political discourse of president-elect Enrique Pena Nieto (EPN). EPN represents the same of the old hegemonic party, the PRI, which ruled the country for 71 years. In Mexico all the institutions are feeble and corrupt and that includes the Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE), which allowed the fraud of the election for Mexican President even before the citizens cast their vote, let alone when they casted their vote. Specifically, the number of rural votes provided by the INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia) is different than the number of rural votes actually casted. In fact, if all the children and newborns in Mexico had voted in this election, it would have still been insufficient to account for the votes that were casted in the rural areas.
In the second case there are many complains about buying and selling votes for as little as 20 dollars and as much as 100 dollars, and some people considered that 250 million dlls were used by the PRI to buy votes with money provided by the PRI governors of the states. If these issues were not sufficient for the inequity of elections, Pena Nieto the “so called” candidate of the mighty conglomerate Televisa was favored with television time two to one in comparison to his closer rival Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).
There is great fear that these practices may dislocate the equation between stability and governability by the first of December of the present year, when EPN assumes the presidency. The implication of these facts is obvious; Mexico’s imperfect democracy is in a perilous situation. If movements born from the civil society, like “I am 132”, are not included in a pluralistic debate in which the president elect addresses many questions about possible electoral fraud. Otherwise, the traditionally smooth transition between the president elect and that incumbent would be broken, as Felipe Calderon is a lame duck. Additionally, the IFE, a feeble institution, whose president has been associated with acts of corruption and suspected ties with PRI, is unlikely to annul the election.
Finally, Mexico is living extraordinary circumstances and we need a strong and extraordinary leader which by most accounts EPN (Enrique Pena Nieto) is not. Thus, the survival of the Mexican democracy more than ever depends upon the political mobilization of civil society to confront the old “perfect tyranny” of the PRI now dressed in new clothes of a telegenic persona of a pseudo leader.
(Imagen tomada de Internet / Derechos reservados por el autor)