Andrew Yang for President of the United States (II)
Written by Alfonso Elizondo
As he has stated in his many interviews with the press and with a variety of NGOs, Andrew Yang believes that the basic principle of his theory are the elements that constitute the structure of the economic, trade, production, political and social system of the great North American State, whose federal budget for the year 2019 is 4.41 trillion dollars, equivalent to 21% of GDP and this translates into a per capita income of 13,540 dollars per year.
Healthcare costs, which include Medicare and Medicaid, account for 27% of national GDP. Social Security expenses are 24% of national GDP. State payments to Federal Agencies and Departments are 15% of national GDP. Defense spending is also 15% of GDP and interest paid on External Public Debt amounts to 7% of GDP.
The sum of all these items of State Expenditure is as high as 88% of the total State Expenditure within US territory. Included in this budget are the costs of the prison and law enforcement systems not only in the US, but also in the military installations set up in very different regions of the world where the US has military bases. Therefore, there is an on-going budget deficit of close to 25% of the US federal budget, creating a financial imbalance worldwide that has no way of being fixed, neither by the issuing of printed money by Central Banks, nor by issuing bitcoins, metal coins or other forms of representation of material goods.
Yang says that the basic problem is not trade or military wars, but that the new global society is no longer generating new sources of work arising from the new technologies and robotics that are replacing the workers of yesteryear. He notes that the means of transport and the facilities that existed to display items for sale are being displaced by digital media and podcasts and no longer require physical spaces to sell their products. He thinks that in five years at the latest there will be no trace of what was the world of super stores and super warehouses to sell goods.
Consequently, he plans to build a new world so that his descendants may live comfortably, safely and happily through the new digital world, without having to incur long-term debts, always trying to live cordially and in peace with their fellow human beings.
Addendum: Although there are morethan a hundred aspirants to the US presidency from the Democratic Party, there is no doubt that Yang would be a genius of the new generation who would not only transform the great American nation, but create a generally more beautiful world, one with more joy and peace.